Jamie McGowan

Research Scientist @ MediaTek Research, London, UK


I am a Research Scientist at MediaTek Research. My research is focussed on the training dynamics of neural networks and the interpretibility of their predictions.

My (vague and ambitious) research aim is to develop a deeper knowledge of how and why deep neural networks learn in specific ways and use this understanding to inform the next generation of AI. In particular, I’m interested in using this knowledge to design simpler algorithms and architectures, especially when applied to multimodality.

Some very broad questions I have been thinking about recently include:

  • How can neural networks become plastic?
    • Plasticity is related to how well a neural network can adapt to new domains and/or modalities.
  • How can task-dependent behaviour be extracted in deep networks?
    • Or how can we insert this?
  • What is next after Adam?
    • Or are we going to be using it forever and ever…

My background and training is in Theoretical Physics where I worked on extending our understanding of the Standard Model in a data-driven environment.

If you are interested in collaboration or our work/opportunities at MediaTek Research, please contact me here.

latest posts

Feb 11, 2024 Convexity Explained
Jan 29, 2024 What the Lipschitz?!

selected publications

  1. cover_image.png
    Exact, Tractable Gauss-Newton Optimization in Deep Reversible Architectures Reveal Poor Generalization
    Jamie McGowan ,  Davide Buffelli ,  Wangkun Xu , and 4 more authors
    NeurIPS, 2024
  2. pruning.png
    Efficient Model Compression Techniques with FishLeg
    Jamie McGowan ,  Wei Sheng Lai ,  Weibin Chen , and 7 more authors
    NeurIPS, Workshop on Machine Learning and Compression, 2024
  3. treemaml.png
    Meta-Learning with MAML on Trees
    Jezabel R. Garcia ,  Federica Freddi ,  Feng-Ting Liao , and 5 more authors
  4. gnn_image.png
    A Dataset for Learning Graph Representations to Predict Customer Returns in Fashion Retail
    Jamie McGowan ,  Elizabeth Guest ,  Ziyang Yan , and 7 more authors